

Resoniks is the developer of a elegantly brilliant piece of technology that through non-destructive testing (NDT)tests manufactured metallic parts for defects using acoustic quality inspection and AI.

The requirement was to produce a high quality and eye-catching brochure to both advertise the product and to advertise Resoniks as a company while immersing the viewer into the sector Resoniks operates within making it accessible to those without an engineering background to understand the capabilities of the technology.

  • Adobe CC
  • Brochure design
  • Digital & print
  • Infographics
Front and back covers
RESONIKS have German origins and have expanded to the Netherlands and Finland
The brochure outlines the unique properties of the technology and its uses and effectiveness in various industries
A suite of infographic icons was required to illustrate the functionality and properties of the technology to make it more accessible
The brochure was developed for both print and digital application

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